Support Holy Family through Online Giving and Donations. 

Safe and Secure 

Please select from the links below to open a secure donation form for your intended giving.

all donations are made through Vanco Online Payment and Donation Processing. 

  • Sunday Altar Flowers  - after your donation please email with the specfic thanksgiving, celebration or memorial and the date for which you would like the flowers. 

  • Sanctuary Candle  - after your donation please email with the specfic thanksgiving, celebration or memorial and the date for which you would like to provide the sanctuary candle. 

  • Outreach - donations will be used to support our Saturday outreach and other seasonal outreach programs. 

  • Messy Church - funds will be used to help cover the costs of supplies and food for our Messy Church programs.

  • Building Fund - donations are used to help maintain our building and grounds, especially larger projects.


If you have any questions or concerns, we're always ready to help!